Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday, 4/17

  Homework for tonight:


Workbook Page 113


Write 5 sentences using 5 HF Words


Write each word 3 times (Test on Friday)


Special Announcements:

* Pizza Payments are due on Thursday.

* Please check your child's HW Folder for a permission slip for our STEM Field Trip. 

*Friday is a "Tag Day" and the theme is Character Day.  Please send in $1 to support the 8th Grade.

* Spring Pictures are Friday, April 28th.

* Please order field day t-shirts by Tuesday, May 2nd.

~ Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...