Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wednesday, 11/16

 Homework for tonight:


Workbook Page 35


Practice Book Page 98 & Read for at least 10 minutes

Social Studies:

Test on Friday


Workbook Page 39 (Test on Friday)

Special Announcements:

* Pizza Payments are due tomorrow.

 * Friday is  Picture Retake & Class Picture Day.  All students should wear their regular uniform.

* Christmas Breakfast permission slips are due by Friday.

* Please sign & return the green report card slips by Friday.

Monday, 11/21, Tuesday, 11/22 & Wednesday, and 11/23 are noon dismissals with aftercare available on Monday & Tuesday.

~ Kristen Taylor

Monday, 3/17

   Homework for tonight: Math : Worksheet Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Write each word 3 times  (Test...