Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wednesday, 9/7

Homework for tonight:


Worksheet (You can find this in your child's HW Folder)


Read for ten minutes or more (Information about our "September Reading Log" is in your child's HW Folder)

Special Announcements:

* Friday is a "Tag Day".  Students do not have to wear their uniforms.  They should wear the color green & bring in $1 to support "Duchenne Awareness".

* Our Regular "Homework Schedule" will start on Monday, September 12th.

* Back To School Night is on Thursday, September 15th.

* Pizza Payments are due tomorrow.

~ Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...