Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tuesday, June 9th

Tuesday, June 9th

There will be a "Live Streamed Mass" 
on Friday at 9:00 am!

Google Meet Lessons:


* Freckle Juice Chapters 2 & 3


* Workbook Pages 447-448

Biography Puppet Presentation:

Stavros, Madelyn, Justin, Olivia & Noah

Work to be done independently:


* Workbook Pages 145-148


* Freckle Juice worksheet on Google Classroom
(Please wait until after our Google Meet to do the worksheet)


* Please go to IXL and do:



* Here is a video from the Cincinnati Zoo:


This Message is from Mr. Dunnigan:

"This letter has been only sent out to the parishioners of St. Therese from Fr. Rick Kilcomons, pastor of St. Therese parish and school. Please know that our enrollment is healthy for next year, and we are planning to open in September.  Please [read the letter] take this very short survey and respond [comment on the survey].
In Christ, Tim Dunnigan"

Survey (also within the letter): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B5JRC7G

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...