Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday, May 7th

Thursday, May 7th 

All of the following worksheets 
are in the envelope
labeled 5/4.

Google Meet Lesson:


* Blue Workbook Pages 217-218


* Workbook Pages 262-263


* We will do our IXL Diagnostic Test today at 11:15 am.

Work to be done independently:


* "Just Like Josh Gibson High-Frequency Words" Worksheet

* Watch Video:

* Compare & Contrast Worksheet ( You will need your leveled reader to help you)

* Practice Book Pages 107-109


* Please print & do the Multiplication Worksheet on Google Classroom


* Workbook Page 104

* Go to, Go to Learning, Go to Language Arts, Go to Grade 2, Go to

Grammar and mechanics, Go to YY and do numbers 1 & 2


* WB Page 104

"Just Like Josh Gibson ABC Order" Worksheet

"Just Like Josh Gibson Spelling Word Scramble" Worksheet

* We will have a spelling test on Google Meet tomorrow!

Virtual Field Trip:

Social Studies:

* Watch Video:

The new login is: kristentaylorsts

 The new password is: Tank2020

* Please take "Easy Quiz"

* Textbook Pages 262-263

* WB Page 64


* Please check the gym blog.


* Here is another video from the Cincinnati Zoo:

Deacon Murphy's Project:

The Easter Season is a time to celebrate the new life that springtime offers. We are asking students to submit photographs, drawings, paintings and poems that celebrate the beauty of flowers. 

They should be submitted electronically either by scanning, or taking photos and emailing to: Deacon Murphy at: The Committee will collect and review all submissions and post as many as we can on the school website and social media, awarding Honorable Mentions in the following themes:
Tells a story
Unique design
Unusual flowers
(additional themes will be added, inspired by work submitted)

Guidelines: As a Catholic school we want to ensure what we post is appropriate therefore we may decline to post certain submissions if they do not meet the overall theme of this project, or are contrary to Catholic teaching.
Do encourage your students to be creative. Flowers not only grow from the ground but also on trees, in flower boxes and indoors as well as outdoors. Do photograph or scan and send from your email account that we have on file. We will not accept submissions from non-recognized accounts, nor from social media. Do limit your submission to a single page. Where appropriate, a student's picture can be included in the submission (for example holding up their artwork). Finally, Do be creative, use your imagination and enjoy yourselves! 
We look forward to seeing your work.
Deadline: All entries must be submitted by Friday May 8th. 
The Committee: Mrs. Carol Joyce; Mrs. Charlene Cardinale; Deacon Murphy

Thursday, 3/13

   Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 112 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test tomor...