Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th

Wednesday, April 8th

All of the following worksheets & math pages are labeled 
"Wednesday-Week Four" in 
the packet I sent you.


* Watch Video:
Click here to view this lesson

* Pages 421-422

* Please read for 1/2 hour on either Raz Kids, Epic! or Guided Reader.

* Go to, Go to Learning, Go to Language Arts, Go to Grade 2, Go to Independent reading comprehension, Go to "V" and do number 3.

* Watch Video:

* Do Pages 187-188 and 201-202

* Watch Video:

* Do pages 189-190

* Watch Video:

* Do Pages 191-192

* Watch Video: * Read Science Pages B18-B19.

* Please do the science experiment on B19.


* Do the following video:


* Color or paint the "I Love Jesus" Paper.


* Please do Y and Z.

Here is a video from the Cincinnati Zoo

Here is a message from Deacon Murphy:

We are announcing a school-wide project designed to encourage students to exercise their literary and artistic talents. The theme is: Jesus Christ is Risen. We invite students of all grades (including preschool), with parental assistance as needed, to create and submit drawings, paintings, poems, letters that celebrate and showcase the Joy of Easter. They should be submitted electronically either by scanning, or taking photos and emailing to: Deacon Murphy at: We will collect and review all submissions and post as many as we can on the school website and social media. I've asked Deacon Stu Murphy to coordinate and review submissions that are submitted, to ensure they are appropriate.

Guidelines As a Catholic school we want to ensure what we post is appropriate therefore we may decline to post certain submissions if they do not meet the overall theme of this project, or are contrary to Catholic teaching.
Do encourage your students to be creative and look to nature, our Catholic faith, family, friends as well as within their own hearts for inspiration. Do photograph or scan and send from your email account we have on file. We will not accept submissions from non-recognized accounts, nor from social media. Do limit your submission, especially poetry or prose to a single page. Where appropriate, student's picture can be included in the submission (for example holding up their artwork). Finally, Do be creative, use your imagination and enjoy yourselves. We look forward to your seeing your work.

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...