Thursday, March 19, 2020

Friday, March 20th

Friday, March 20th

All of the following worksheets & math pages are labeled 
"Friday-Week One" in your child's folder.


Watch Video:

Pages 385-386 & WB Page 109


* Reading Worksheet

* Please read 2 stories on Guided Readers & complete the test at the end of the stories.  The website is:

Your child's user name & password is on the sheet I sent home.

Handwriting & Scholastic News:
* Please complete handwriting worksheets

* Scholastic News:

         Go to:

         Go to Login, I am a Student, Our classroom Password is:


          Listen/Read the magazine, watch the video & complete worksheet
Firefighter Spelling Test Worksheet.

* Please finish assignments on "Spelling City".

* Watch Video:

Spanish & Computer:
* Please check Senora Decker's and Mrs. Hall's blog for your assignments.

* We use "Epic Reading" in our classroom, they have now made it so students can use it at home. The students LOVE it! Here's the link:

Our class code is: uxz4642

* Here's a fun art link that I think some of the children will enjoy!

Virtual Field Trips:*6P6cBU1paawD09PvfxmjRg#

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...