Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday, January 22nd

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 52

Reading: Write 6 sentences using 6 HF Words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times

* February "Pizza Payments" are due by tomorrow.

* Science Projects are due on Friday, January 25th.

Catholic Schools Week starts on Sunday!  Here is our schedule:

Monday:  "Tag Day" Students should wear blue to support Mt. Arlington Police Officer,  Sergeant James DiStasio!  Don't forget to send in a donation!  

Tuesday:  "Tag Day" Students should wear their CSW t-shirt with jeans.  If students do not have the t-shirt, they must wear their uniform.

Thursday: 'Tag Day" Students should wear "Red, White & Blue".  Don't forget to send in a donation for the Wounded Warriors Project.

Kristen Taylor 

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...