Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday, October 1st

It's hard to believe we are now in the month of October!

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 11

Reading:  Write 5 sentences using 5 HF Words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times (Test on Thursday)

Social Studies:  Test on Thursday (Study Guides went home today)

* Thursday, October 4th is "Bring Your Bible to School Day".  Father Miguel will be blessing Bibles.  If your child would like their Bible blessed, please send it in on Thursday.

* There is no school on Friday, October 5th & Monday, October 8th.

Kristen Taylor 

Wednesday, 3/12

  Homework for tonight: Math : Workbook Page 111 Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Fri...