Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, May 31st

There is no homework this weekend.

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* Monday is a special tag day for 2nd Grade.

* Tuesday will be a Tag Day instead of June 11th.  The theme is USA!

* Field Day is Wednesday, June 5th!

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thursday, May 30th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Pages 73

Reading:  Raz Kids

Spelling:  WB Page 118, our test will be on Friday, June 7th.

* Biography Puppets are due tomorrow!

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday, May 29th

There is no homework tonight!

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday!

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday, May 28th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Pages 70

Reading:  Write 7 sentences using 7 HF words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times, our test will be on Friday, June 7th.

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday!

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* Tomorrow is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Field Day is Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday, May 24th

There is no homework this weekend.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* Wednesday, May 29th is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday, May 31st.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Friday, June 14th is our last day of school.

Kristen Taylor 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday, May 23rd

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 69

Reading:  PB Page 138

Spelling:  WB Page 117 & study for test

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday, May 31st.

* Our May Crowning is tomorrow at 10: 30 am

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Wednesday, May 29th is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday, May 22nd

Math:  WB Page 147

Reading:  Raz Kids 

Spelling:  WB Page  115

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday, May 31st.

* Our May Crowning is on Friday at 10:30 am.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Wednesday, May 29th is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tuesday, May 21st

Math:  WB Page 145

Reading:  PB Page 136

Spelling:  WB Page 114

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday, May 31st.

* Our May Crowning is on Friday at 10:30 am.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Wednesday, May 29th is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday, May 20th

Math:  WB Page 145

Reading:  Write 7 sentences using 7 HF words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times

* Biography Puppet Reports are due on Friday, May 31st.

* Our May Crowning is on Friday at 10:30 am.

* Mrs. Warga's music/theater summer camp is back at STS!!!!
Please see the Friday folder for the registration form. It runs Aug 5-9. Deadline is June 17th.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Wednesday, May 29th is our field trip!  Students should wear their gym uniform & bring a bagged lunch.

* Field Day is on Wednesday, June 5th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday, May 17th

There is no homework this weekend!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Friday, May 24th is an early dismissal.  There is no school on Monday, May 27th.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday, May 16th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 144

Reading:  PB Page 128

Spelling:  WB Page 112 & study for test

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wednesday, May 15th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 143

Reading:  Raz Kids

Spelling:  WB Page 111

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday, May 14th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 142

Reading:  PB Page 126

Spelling:  WB Page 110

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday, May 13th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 141

Reading:  Write 7 sentences using 7 HF Words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times 

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday. May 10th

There is no homework this weekend!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday, May 9th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  121

Reading:  PB Page 118

Spelling:  WB Page 108 & study for test

* Tomorrow is a "Tag Day" & the 2nd Grade theme is DISNEY!

* Tomorrow is our concert at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

* Our last day of school is Friday, June 14th.

Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday, May 8th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  120

Reading:  Raz Kids 

Spelling:  WB Page 107

* Friday, May 10th is a "Tag Day" & the 2nd Grade theme is DISNEY!

* Our Concert is on Friday at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday, May 7th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 118

Reading:  PB Page 116

Spelling:  WB Page 106

* Field Day T-Shirt orders are due by tomorrow.

* Friday, May 10th is a "Tag Day" & the 2nd Grade theme is Disney!

* Our Concert is on Friday at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday, May 6th

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB PAge 116

Reading:  Write 7 sentences using 7 HF Words

Spelling:  Write each word 3 times 

* Field Day T-Shirt orders are due by Wednesday.

* Friday, May 10th is a "Tag Day" & the 2nd Grade theme is "DISNEY"!

* Our Concert is on Friday at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday, May 3rd

There is no homework this weekend!

* Field Day T-Shirt orders are due by Wednesday.

* Our Concert is on Friday, May 10th at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday, May 2nd

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 112

Reading:  PB Page 108

Spelling:  WB Page 104 & study for test

* Field Day T-Shirt orders are due by Wednesday, May 8th.

* Our Concert is on Friday, May 10th at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday, May 1st

Homework for tonight:

Math:  WB Page 111

Reading:  Raz Kids

Spelling:  WB Page 103

* Field Day T-Shirt orders are due by Wednesday, May 8th.

* Our Concert is on Friday, May 10th at 7:00 pm!

* Our May Crowning is on Friday, May 24th at 10:30 am and 2nd Grade is sponsoring it.

Kristen Taylor

Tuesday, 3/11

  Homework for tonight: Math : Worksheet Reading : Worksheet  & Read for at least 10 minutes Spelling :  Worksheet  (Test on Friday)   S...